Dental Treatments
Primea Dental Treatments

General and Preventive Dentistry
Comprehensive Oral Health Exams, Biannual Checkups, Oral Cancer Screening, Periodontal Screening and Evaluations, Periodontal Cleaning, Scaling, and Protective Sealants.

Endodontic Therapy & Invisalign / Orthero
Root Canal Treatments and Invisalign provider.

Cosmetic Dentistry & Prosthodontics
Tooth-Colored Fillings, Porcelain Veneers, Teeth Whitening, Dental Bonding, All-Porcelain and zirconia Crowns, Onlays and Inlays, Bridges, Dentures and Partial Dentures.

Dental Surgery & Periodontics
Prevention and Treatment of Periodontal (Gum) Disease. Wisdom tooth extractions and general dental surgery.